process overview

The following is a more detailed look at the process and the steps from an initial identification of a problem that may/may not require special education services all the way to an out-of-district placement.


The first indication of the need for a change might come from the school, from the student, from an advocate, or from the parent – but it’s likely clear to everyone involved with the student that he or she isn’t succeeding academically, behaviorally, psychologically, or socially in his or her current learning environment. Some of the signs can be found on our page about students with whom we work.

Following this recognition, there are very deliberate steps in the process that are designed to help create the right program for each student. These steps are:

  • Pre-referral

  • Referral

  • Identification

  • Eligibility

  • Development of the IEP

  • Implementation of the IEP

  • Evaluation and Reviews